An oxymoron or contradiction
Prose = sentences and paragraphs
Poetry = compiled of verses and stanzas
A form of poetry that rebels against the constraints of conventional poetry such as metered lines.
Russell Edson said, “A good prose poem is a statement that seeks sanity whilst its author teeters on the edge of the abyss.”
Originated from haibun, a Japanese form of prose poetry in the 17th Century
Thereafter, they appeared in 19th Century France as an act of rebellion.
It became an alternative to lineate verse by poets
has roots in early translations of the Bible
Popularised by Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs
Prose Poetry is:
a small justified block of text wherein “weird shit happens”
a poem in a box
a paradox
born out of annoyance
a revolt
a nonsense
an opportunity for something different
Prose Poetry is not:
a failed verse poem
a short-short story
a consolation prize
from a poet who is questioning their genre-orientation
More Guidelines:
In a prose poem:
The writing is continuous and there are no line breaks
Any length, divided into paragraphs.
Rhythmical cadences work well in a prose poem
Internal rhyme, alliteration and repetition can be used
There must be some poetic or stylistic devices
Usually has compressed thought and intensity
Focuses on images
Starting points:
describe something by detailing what is missing from it (such as a house or place)
Think of an elusive or transient memory. Let the grammar of your prose poem show how and why you began thinking about this – stream of consciousness
Observe a room. In five sentences give an inventory of the most striking features of the space.
Free-write and then go back and highlight two or three phrases.
Begin with forever and end with together
A blink. A lifetime.
Teetering on the precipice
You won’t get your wings until your first kill